The Israeli Opera Tel-Aviv-Yafo
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Duke Bluebeard's Castle / Kindertotenlieder

Duke Bluebeard's Castle / Kindertotenlieder

Béla Bartók / Gustav Mahler
New Production


Libretto: Béla Balázs / Friedrich Rückert
First Performance (Bartók): Budapest, Opera, 24 May, 1918 
First Peformance (Mahler): Vienna, January 29, 1905
First Performance of this production at the Israeli Opera: December 15, 2010

Conductor           Ilan Volkov
Director Shirit Lee Weiss
Set Designer Dale Chihuly
Lighting Designer Eyal Levi




Bluebeard Vladimir Braun
Judit Svetlana Sandler
Moderator Alex Anski 
Mezzo Soprano
Edna Prochnik

The Opera Orchestra - The Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon LeZion

Sung in Hungarian/German
Surtitles in English and Hebrew

Length of performance: approx. two hours

World renowned artist Dale Chihuly has created a spectacular set for Bartók’s psychological opera. Two important vocal works in one evening in which a concert performance of Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder precedes the opera.



Wed* 15.12.10 (20:00), Thurs 16.12.10 (20:00), Fri 17.12.10 (13:00), Sat 18.12.10 (20:00),

Mon 20.12.10 (20:00), Tues 21.12.10 (20:00), Wed 22.12.10 (20:00), Thurs 23.12.10 (20:00)

Ticket Prices:
175/237/304/378/428 Nis
*15 Nis more for Saturday night performances


Towards Opening: Sat 11.12.10 (11:00)

Before the show back stage tours: Thu 16.12 (19:00), Sat 18.12 (19:00), Wed 22.12                                                       

Ticket Price: 25 Nis

Opera Talkback Thu  16.12, Mon 20.12 


"There's no denying the theatrical power of Chihuly's six-piece Bluebeard
collection and his sensitivity to both the music and the text" (Third Coast Digest)

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