The Israeli Opera Tel-Aviv-Yafo
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Special Opera Hour Performances During Purim

Special Opera Hour Performances During Purim

Special Opera Hour Performances at the
Foyer of the Opera House in Tel Aviv
During Purim (March 20, 21)
Come with Costumes and You can Win a Prize

The popular Children Opera Hour series invites parents and grandparents to bring their little ones (ages 4 -10) to the opera and enjoy one opera of opera magic.
The performances, at the opera house foyer, are in Hebrew, with full staging and colorful costumes accompanied by piano and performed by the soloists of the Israeli Opera's Opera Studio.
This Purim you can enjoy two different programs of Children Opera Hour during the day time.
And there is a special holiday bonus – come dressed in a costume and you might end up winning one of several prizes awarded on the occasion.

Purim Program:
March 20  - The Magic Flute by Mozart (11:00, 13:00)
March 21 – Mozart's Surprise Box (11:00)


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